K&S Inclusive Leader Mindset

Accelerating the global expansion of K&S’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion learning, values, and strategies.

Register now for Module 1.

Module 1 “A Look in the Mirror”The business case for inclusion and how inclusion competencies impact one’s leadership brand (offered May 4-23)

There is one session available in Dutch (May 19) and four sessions in Mandarin (May 4, 9, 10, 11).  All remaining session options will be delivered in English.

Registration is first-come first-serve and limited to approximately 30 participants in order to optimize the impact of the learning experience for all.  To attend your first choice that best fits your calendar and language preference, please sign up as soon as feasible using the links on this page.

Your options are not restricted to the geography of your work location.

Module 2 will be offered in July/August timeframe.

Module 3 will be offered in September/October timeframe.

Register here for Module 1 only:

The journey starts here.

All people managers are expected to attend a 3-part learning and development series called Inclusive Leader Mindset focused on perspectives and tools for being an even more Inclusive leader.

Registration is first-come first-serve and limited to approximately 30 participants in order to optimize the impact of the learning experience for all.  To attend your first choice that best fits your calendar and language preference, please sign up as soon as feasible using the links on this page.

Note that upon registration you will be sent a request to do pre-work.  Complete the pre-work prior to attending the session as it will be used during the working session as part of the objectives and agenda.  For Module 1 you will be asked to complete a brief self-assessment of your leadership brand and current-state inclusive mindset.  Only you will see the results.  It is your choice as to who else if anyone, you want to share your responses.   So be sure to be honest with yourself in order to get the most out of session Module 1.

Thank you in advance for your participation and partnership in these 2023 working sessions.  This DEI learning initiative is an investment in you as leaders and will help K&S differentiate and win in the marketplace by becoming an even greater place where people want to work and stay.

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